I have created this blog to offer ideas and hopefully some motivation as well as to inform those who may be interested in the diet. I would love comments about your successes, frustrations,ideas, or recipes. If anyone would like to share their story or recipes I would love to add you as an author to this blog.

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Saturday, June 19, 2010


Today something really exciting happened! Something, that a few months ago seemed really close to impossible. Today for the first time in years the number on the scale started with a one. That is kind of hard to admit to the whole lot of you, but it is so amazing to me that I am just going to own it and be proud! After 20 weeks of following the IP protocol I am down 64.8 pounds! Tomorrow I will be down over 65 pounds and I will be half way to my goal weight. I can't even express how happy I am to be succeeding. There have been so many times when I have failed at dieting and have given up, and let me tell you after a while being a failure takes its toll on your self esteem. I know I have a long ways to go and the second half of this journey may be harder than the first, but the truth is, this time I know I will succeed. There is no doubt in my mind that if I stumble I will get back up and keep going. This is the first time that I have had that much confidence in myself and in an awesome program that has worked so well for me. After all who loses over 6 pounds on their 20th week of a diet unless Bob or Jillian are your trainer? I continue to be amazed! I'm thankful for a husband who has loved and supported me before during and hopefully after all of this and so grateful to have found the ticket for health for me. By the way, I haven't exercised at all while on this protocol until about 2 weeks ago when I decided to take off running and see how far I could go. I was hoping to make it to the corner of my street. I ran to the end of a dirt road by my house and then called Scott to come pick me up so that we could measure it with the odometer in the car. It was over 6/10 of a mile on my first time exercising in years. I was pretty excited about that. When my son got home I told him I had run that far without stopping and he didn't believe me. I said "come on, let's go". We took off jogging and I did it again. 1.2 miles of jogging on my first day! So anyways, I've decided that I am going to run a 5k on October 9th. I will spend the next few months preparing for that. It is really hard for me to believe knowing that a few months ago I could hardly make it up the stairs. What a happy day! Here are some before pictures (actually I was already down 13 pounds when these pics were taken)  and some pictures taken today when I entered onederland!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Ideal Protein Class

Just a reminder that we are having a class on Ideal Protein at the office this Tuesday, June 8th at 7:00. Anyone is welcome. Bring your friends and family that would like to learn more about this amazing diet. See you there!