I have created this blog to offer ideas and hopefully some motivation as well as to inform those who may be interested in the diet. I would love comments about your successes, frustrations,ideas, or recipes. If anyone would like to share their story or recipes I would love to add you as an author to this blog.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

4 week pictures!



Tomorrow it will be four weeks since I started Ideal Protein. Somebody please tell me that you can tell a teenie little bit? Sorry, the first and third pictures are the same "before" pictures and I don't know how to get the extra one off.


  1. wow you're looking fantastic :) keep it up!

  2. Wow...... That is an amazing difference!

  3. Great Job! I am about 5 weeks in! I think we should be IP buddies! Woo Hoo! Oh and I can totally tell a difference. aMAzing! Thanks for sharing your journey...

  4. I can only hope for such great results in the first month! Way to go!!

  5. Are you still pressing on with IP? I am getting ready to start and was so happy to stumble upon your blog. Congrats on ALL your success! You are an inspiration.

  6. I can tell, you look great, I am on day 21 and feel great!

  7. Just wondering if you've had continued success? I have just started
